The women and few men convene in the large room while awaiting their favorite Zumba instructor, Latrice M. Such a clamor of anticipation, jockeying for positions, esp. those of us who enjoy the close proximity to Latrice provided by being on the front line. The remainder of class time includes the sheer accuracy of our ability to judge and adhere to our positions in line--without bumping into each other. (I fondly remember the intricate choreographic patterns and intuitive spatial analysis of the 1940's Busby Berkeley dancers).
Like clockwork, Latrice enters and enthusiastically prepares us for the intention of the next sixty minutes of the Zumba class. She adeptly leads us through the familiar and occasionally novel paces of our musicality and the rhythmical routines.
The class unfolds, the tempos pour forth, the choreography--yes, naysayers--the choreography entices, educates and entertains the audience of dancers!!! The swell of endorphins and sheer joy can be palpated. At the end of class, some of us slowly extricate ourselves from the conjoined energy in the class and file out. Others delay our departure and continue the animated conversation, additional dancing and eager promises to return to class the next day!
I have danced for the past 45 years, from Ballet, Tap, African, Swing, Balboa and now to Zumba. The sense of post-Zumba excitation and unadulterated joy should be packaged and marketed as a tool for happiness, camaraderie and positive communication. So, when I hear non-Zumba persons attempt to marginalize the efficacy and importance of Zumba as--
it's just dance, I marvel at and dismiss the disenchanted verbalizations of the uninformed.
Ladies and gentlemen, do yourselves a favor and take a class. Lift your spirits! Raise your heart rates! Enhance your dance skills! Experience Zumba for yourself!!!
You're welcome.