In the circle of four women and one man, throwing and catching a 4.5lb medicine ball in a counter-clockwise, then clockwise pattern while hooping with 2.5 to 3lb hoops, this scribe's clinical observations were cited: Catching--no problem with minimal effort from each participant. Throwing-- many incidents of dropping the hoop, because...Hmmn, why???
I observed the energetic pattern of a low-toned female. I noticed the soft bracing posturally, cessation of respiration (holding her breath) questionable self-belief and trust issues (apparent doubt with lack of confidence) and drop in energetic amplitude, flow, dynamics (unbeknownst to the hooper and other hoopers). There was a challenge of self-awareness/registration of sensory-energetic-physical output concomitantly.
I read the situation and changed the energetic experience by informing/educating them in the moment. Each participant became a caretaker to the other and assisted their catch by slowing down the energy of the ball release, thereby dropping the energetic-physiological response and connection to the hoop with its resultant drop to the floor. Subsequently, I instructed them to discontinue caring for or about the other participant. In other words, practice self-care...self-absorption to strengthen their intention--for now.
In a nano-second, the hoopers' energy shifted with increased energetic amplitude, emotional assurance and motor accuracy i.e. Success with no dropping of the hoops!!! In fact, the male and I exchanged many throws and catches in a fifteen minute session sans dropping of our hoops! Aaah, clarity...the connection between intention and emotion observed in action!
I love Shamanic awareness and abilities--absolutely!!!
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