Sunday, January 14, 2018

HOOPOSOPHY: Intuition Leads. I Follow.

Welcome to, HOOPOSOPHY, my weekly Vlog on the elements, symbolism and experience of Hooping, dancing and musicality. Each week, I expect to tape one of my Hoop sessions and share it on social media.  I will include tenets of Shamanism, intuition, psychic awareness, therapeutic interventions, music, dance and healing. 

I live my life as a Shamanic Medicine Woman in the Cherokee tradition, Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Certified Intuitive/Psychic, Master Hooptress, Spiritual Eclectic Performance Artist, Classically-trained Vocalist, Jazz singer, Dancer, Dee Jay, Wellness Counselor and Occupational Therapist.  Please enjoy the writings of this multi-sensory scribe.  

HOOPOSOPHY: Intuition Leads.  I Follow.

Denise E. Williams, Subtle Woman/Medicine Woman and Master Hooptress

January 14, 2018

Ella Fitzgerald's vocal rendition of Mack the Knife was my choice this week.  Ella's phrasing, musicality and tonal quality hits me in the right place.  Forgetting the lyrics did not stop her musical stride.
Hooping and dancing to Ella's vocal stylings shifts my rhythm and footwork to syncopated patterns of jazzy, joyful movements.  As I am moving, I garner a sense of confidence, akin to riding a wave.  Ella's vocal strengths bolsters my Hooping savvy. I feel at ease to sustain a one-foot stance.  From that movement, I segue into linear and anterior catches of the beat with my right hip.  Intuitively, I morph into a Basic Balboa rhythm i.e. 1-2-Three-4//5-6-Seven-8.  Albeit, the music creates a slow pulse for the alternating and accented feetwork, the mastery of the Downhold beats, three and seven, makes me smile.  A Lollie with a modification--shoulder-shaking Shimmies is the next transition.  The extended right leg Lead with subtle weight-shifts and crossing over midline pair with the cadence of the music.  
At this point, I attempt a Shorty George.  Ordinarily, the Shorty George starts on the 8th beat of the phrase.  In my haste to include it in the Bal-Lindy demonstration of this Hooping vlog, I, inadvertently, initiated the step on beat three vs. eight.  Oops!  Let me pretend like I meant to do that [so, not true].  Anyway, I muddle the off-beat error with a series of moves, including Ball-changes, lateral weight-shifts, Fall off the Logs, an Uncle Willie (a shuffling of a heel-to-toe pattern that transitions through a grand pliĆ©), Charleston place kicks (lands on the floor vs. mid-air), a tap sequence of heel-heel-toe-toe, brush toe-heel, a flap heel-heel, combo of flap heel-heels, Fishtails, Tacky Ann's, chasses, soft jogging, jumping jacks, simulated rope jumping side-to-side and forward-to-backward--resulting in a significant dalliance with gravity, right foot crossing over left with a counter-clockwise turn to a stop-time closing.  
My improvisational Hoop Journeys give me a chance to think on my feet--no pun intended.  Intuition is the Lead and I am the Follow.  This outflow of Internal Guidance surprises me in my later viewing of the Hoop session.  None-the-less, I sustain a soft fluidity to facilitate smooth transitioning.
I surmise that the importance of my Hoop Journey is to reinforce the tenets of Shamanic healing, Psychic-Intuitive guidance, Therapeutic modalities, Dance fitness and Jazz musicality.  Learning and evolving through symbolism, interoceptive awareness and subcortical processing will always be something that I enjoy and seek.           Aho.
For FB muted vlog, please view the following link:

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